Greater Northern Community Services

Household task

As part of our service to help with your household tasks, we offer essential cleaning across all areas within your home. This includes help with cleaning your bathroom, bedrooms, kitchen, laundry, living area and other spaces, depending on your need.

Our support workers will also take on extended cleaning that includes wiping down benchtops, surfaces, vacuuming, mopping floors, dusting, washing, helping with your laundry and ironing, changing linens and more. We also help out with other household related tasks based on your requirement.

  • Household task
    • Greater Northern Community Services

      Our objective is to ensure you have a clean, healthy and safe living space at all times.

      Greater Northern Community Services

      Each service offered is done with the intention to help you keep your daily routine and life intact.

      Greater Northern Community Services

      The services offered are done so seamlessly, without any interruption to your daily activities.